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Michael Moore: Capitalism: A Love Story


Michael Moore: Capitalism: A Love Story Empty Michael Moore: Capitalism: A Love Story

發表  Sam headoff 周四 4月 08, 2010 12:13 am

I sincerely believe that banking establiahments are more dangerous than standing armies.
Michael Moore: Capitalism: A Love Story Capitalism_a_love_story_poster
Capitalism: A Love Story
Michael Moore 2009年發行的紀錄片, 本片由2009年美國經濟危機說起, 一系列破產潮, 其中一位大叔被趕出自己住了41年的祖屋, 竟然是由警察執行此事; 更駭人聽聞的, 官商鈎結---法官不惜為私人經營的兒童院入住率而提高定罪比率; 還有更荒天下之大謬的是商業機構為員工購買"死亡保險", 並且以員工之死盈利, 之後竟然連一毛錢也不幫補殮葬。
美國到底發生什麼事? 有看過前作 sicko, 就知道美國醫療比起內地不惶多讓, 最講人權的大美國對工人也是冷酷無情, 更想不到的是航空公司對飛行員也是刻薄到家, 有很多飛行員要去餐廳做服務員幫補生計,更甚者賣血還債; 美國大學生有好多一畢業就背上50萬債務; 一個美國夢怎會如此墮落? 要數就得回到三十年前 列根時代, 和英國戴卓爾夫人 倡議的新自由主義--- 也就我們現在社會奉為真理的 free enterprises, 凡事都以經濟掛帥, 進了醫院第一時間問你的不是那裡不舒服,而是問你買了那一家保險, 新近奧巴馬大手筆的醫療改革正是要來一個大翻天,撥亂反正, 但是真正需要改革的是資本主義制度本身。

不論是看 <<時代精神>>還是 這部<<capitalism>> 都令我想起<<憤怒的葡萄>>這部小說。

Sam headoff
Sam headoff

文章總數 : 334
畢業年度 : 2006
簡介 : Odyssey
注冊日期 : 2008-05-17

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Michael Moore: Capitalism: A Love Story Empty DEAD PEASANT 這術語的由來

發表  Sam headoff 周四 4月 08, 2010 2:10 am


dead peasant 資料二

How did it get the name “Dead Peasant” insurance? 術語的由來
Winn Dixie Stores bought life insurance policies on approximately 36,000 of its employees, without their knowledge or consent, and named itself as the policies’ beneficiary. The insurance brokerage firm that placed the policies prepared two memos describing the deceased employees as “Dead Peasants.” These memos were part of the court’s record in a lawsuit in which the United States Court of Appeals for the Eleventh Circuit held that Winn-Dixie’s policies were a sham transaction for federal income tax purposes. The memos were later used by reporters such as Ellen Schultz and Theo Francis of the Wall Street Journal and L.M. Sixel of the Houston Chronicle and incorporated into articles about this type of insurance.

How does a person know if he or she is covered by a policy? 如何得知已被承保
It is often difficult for a person to learn whether he or she was covered by a “Dead Peasant” policy. These insurance programs became popular during the mid-1980s and have been an available investment opportunity for large companies since that time. Prior to 2006, however, there was no federal law that required employers to disclose the policies to insured employees. Any disclosure requirements that existed before 2006 were only through state laws, which were ignored in many instances. So, the only way a person could learn about the policies was through the employer’s voluntary disclosure.
Sam headoff
Sam headoff

文章總數 : 334
畢業年度 : 2006
簡介 : Odyssey
注冊日期 : 2008-05-17

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Michael Moore: Capitalism: A Love Story Empty Micheal moore其他電影

發表  Sam headoff 周二 6月 22, 2010 9:43 pm


The Big one

Roger and me
capitalism 有些片段就是來自這部片
Sam headoff
Sam headoff

文章總數 : 334
畢業年度 : 2006
簡介 : Odyssey
注冊日期 : 2008-05-17

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